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To enhance brand value and help save the planet


Glad specializes in creating trash bags and food containers with breakthrough technology. They are also one of the primary manufacturers that supply recycling bags.

The Ask

The average American goes through more than 250 pounds of plastic waste, and much of that comes from packaging. As a producer of plastic bags, can Glad be positioned to help recyclers feel empowered to recycle?

Source: NPR, 2019


The level of commitment among U.S. adults is low.

34% of Americans say climate change is an important but low priority.

37% Adults think recycling make a positive impact on the environment.

Businesses and institutions need to roll up their sleeves.

Two-thirds of Americans say large businesses and corporations are doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change.

Mayor Eric Adams  of NYC proposed to cut community composting budget by half, from $7m to $3.5m in 2022.

Outstanding Conversations

A Curious New Yorker:
You have a package that is paper, it's been lined, and you've used it for food. Is that compost? Is that also paper?

Kendall Starkman, Lonely Whale:
Plastic packaging companies have created a multitude of solutions for our convenience. But there's not a great plan for what happens to plastic once it's out in the world.

​Christine Leveque,
Tetra Pak:

In terms of technologies there has not been a disruption. The introduction of digital technologies help increase the efficiency of the process but physically, the system has not changed.

Looking at the key players in the recycling landscape, we see a shared feelings of frustration and confusion because of the disjointed recycling system, divestment in educational recycling programs, and in innovation.


Glad makes trash duties a pleasant experience.

(it's in their name, too)

People are curiously frustrated by making small changes in their habits.


Strategic Vision

Plastic bags are often viewed as the culprit, but really it's an opportunity for innovation.

Glad breathes new life into plastic bags by showing how they are capable of being more than garbage bags.

To young adults who are just starting to recycle, Glad is the home goods company you can count on because it makes chores a smooth experience.

Closing the Loop 

What loop are we talking about? The Closed Loop Recycling, where recyclable goods are reprocessed for recycling over and over again, never setting foot to a landfill. This campaign positions Glad as a source of positive inspiration for ways to reimagine plastic bags.

Paid, Earned, Owned, Social: PESO leverages lessons shared from the climate optimist movement to improve approachability to plastic bag recycling, such as sharing user generated content on ways people are giving bags a second life.

Metrics for Success

Paid Media

  • Reach + Shares about our partnership with ANY Bag Project.


Earned Media

  • Reach + Shares about Anna Sacks.

  • Features in high-impact media and news sites.


Owned + Shared

  • Engagement with user-generated content on how they are closing the loop.

  • The number of pledgers and collective predicted impact.

Purpose into Brand Value


plastic waste for a greener planet.


Bonnie Tse, Strategic Planner
Sabrina Khan, Creative (Art)

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